Connie L. McNeely

A photo of the word SCHAR on a concrete block wall.
Titles and Organizations

Professor of Public Policy; Co-Director, Center for Science and Technology Policy

Contact Information
Phone: 703-993-3803
Fax: 703-993-2284
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall, Room 538
3351 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22201
MSN: 3B1


Connie L. McNeely is a sociologist and professor of public policy in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, where she is also co-director of the Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy.

Her teaching and research address various aspects of science, technology and innovation, health care, organizational behavior, public policy, governance, social theory, and culture. McNeely currently directs major projects on digital and knowledge divides, on big data analytics, on scientific networks, and on migration and diversity in the science and technology workforce. Emphasizing comparative and historical perspectives, her work has engaged questions on international development and organization and has addressed a variety of issues in relation to race, ethnicity, nation, and gender. She has conducted research on education and socio-legal relations and has ongoing projects examining institutional and cultural dynamics in matters of globalization and polity participation.

McNeely has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications, reports, and conference proceedings, and has edited or coedited various journal special issues and books, including Advancing Women in Science: An International Perspective (Springer), Encyclopedia of Big Data (Springer-Nature), and Confronting Global Gender Justice: Women’s Lives, Human Rights (Routledge). She is active in several professional associations, serves as a reviewer and evaluator in a variety of programs and venues, and sits on a number of advisory boards and committees.

She earned a BA (AB) in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and a MA (AM) and PhD in sociology from Stanford University.

Curriculum Vitae