Associate Professor
Contact Information
Phone: 703-993-1144
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Edmund J. Zolnik is an associate professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University. His major areas of expertise are community and regional development; safe and sustainable transportation; and multilevel modeling.
Zolnik is involved in numerous research projects supported by federal agencies such as the United States Geological Survey, the Economic Development Administration, and the General Services Administration. He is also involved in research projects supported by the following local agencies: Loudoun County; Parking and Transportation Services at George Mason University; and INOVA Hospital.
Prior to joining the Schar School, Zolnik was a member of the faculties of the Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science at Mason and of the Department of Geography at Binghamton University in New York.
Curriculum Vitae
View Edmund Zolnik's CV
August, 2019
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University 3351 Fairfax Drive
MS 3B1
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Tel: (703)993-1144
Fax: (703)993-8215
E-mail: ezolnik@gmu.edu
University of Connecticut
Doctor of Philosophy
Economic Geography
University of Connecticut
Master of Arts
Fairfield University
Bachelor of Science
Associate Professor 2013 to Present
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia
Assistant Professor 2010 to 2013
School of Public Policy George Mason
University Fairfax, Virginia
Assistant Professor 2005 to 2010
Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
Visiting Assistant Professor
2004 to 2005
Department of Geography
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York
2003 to 2004
Department of Geography
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York
Sustainable/safe transportation, community/regional development and multilevel modeling.
Journal Articles– Being Written
Zolnik, E. A Spatiotemporal, Geographically Weighted Regression Model of Residential Property Transactions: Estimating the Effect of Proximate Heavy Rail Infrastructure. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy.
Journal Articles – Under Review
Malik, A., Zolnik, E. and Riaz, O. Effect of Urban Land Use on Travel Behavior in Developing Countries: Evidence from Pakistan. Proceedings of the 3rd International Land Use Symposium.
Journal Articles– Under Revised Review
Zolnik, E. Equity in user-fee systems: Accounting for the rebound effect. Journal of Transport Geography. Journal Articles – Accepted
Brown, P., Zolnik, E., Das Gupta, D. and Turner, S. Co-Location of Public Facilities: Case Studies on Loudoun County, Virginia and Indian River County, Florida. The Community Planner.
Journal Articles – Published
Zolnik,E. 2019. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Public Rail Infrastructure on Residential Property Transactions. Urban Studies https://doi-org.mutex.gmu.edu/10.1177/0042098019836564.
Zolnik, E., Malik, A. and Riaz, O. 2019. Household Transportation Expenditures in Developing Countries: Evidence on the Effect of Urban Land Use Change from Pakistan. Applied Geography 108: 39–46.
Zolnik, E., Malik, A. and Irvin-Erickson, Y. 2018. Who Benefits from Bus Rapid Transit? Evidence from the Metro Bus System (MBS) in Lahore. Journal of Transport Geography 71: 139–149.
Zolnik, E. 2018. Effects of Additional Capacity on Household Vehicle Kilometers of Travel in the U.S.: Evidence from National Household Travel Surveys. Journal of Transport Geography 66: 1–9.
Zolnik, E. 2017. The Resilience of the Premium for Homes in New Urbanist Neighborhoods. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate 8(1): 145–167.
Zolnik, E. 2016. Inducing Demand by Expanding Road Capacity: Controlling for the Rebound Effect. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 106(4): 837–852.
Zolnik, E. 2015. The Effect of Gasoline Prices on Ridesharing. Journal of Transport Geography 47: 47–58.
Shaffer, R. and Zolnik, E. 2014. The Geographic Distribution of Physician Assistants in the US: Clustering Analysis and Changes from 2001 to 2008. Applied Geography 53: 323–331.
Zhou, X. and Zolnik, E. 2013. Transit- Oriented Development and Household Transportation Costs: Household- Level Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2357: 86–94.
Zolnik, E. 2013. A Spatial Analysis of Male and Female Unemployment in the USA. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, Special Issue on Spatial Temporal Analysis and Modeling 4(4): 76–87.
Nelson, A. and Zolnik, E. 2013. Regional Effects of Trade on Income. Regional Studies 47(5): 740–755. Shrestha, R. and Zolnik, E. 2013. Eliminating Bus Stops: Evaluating Changes in Operations, Emissions and Coverage. Journal of Public Transportation 16(2): 153–175.
Turner, S., Zolnik, E. and Das Gupta, D. 2013 Support for Suburban Growth Management: Lessons from Loudoun County, Virginia. Suburban Sustainability 1(1).
Zolnik, E. 2012. Estimates of Statewide and Nationwide Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions and their Costs from Cash for Clunkers. Journal of Transport Geography 24: 271–281.
Zolnik, E. J. 2012. The Costs of Sprawl for Private-Vehicle Commuters. Journal of Transport Geography 20(1): 23–30.
Zolnik, E. 2011. The Effects of Sprawl on Private-Vehicle Commute Distances and Times. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 38(6): 1071–1084.
Zolnik, E. 2011. The Effect of Sprawl on Private-Vehicle Commuting Outcomes. Environment and Planning A 43(8): 1875–1893.
Zolnik, E. 2011. Growth Management and Resident Satisfaction with Local Public Services. Urban Geography 32(5): 662–681.
Doh, S. and Zolnik, E. 2011. Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Analysis. African Journal of Business Management 5(12): 4961–4975.
Zolnik, E. 2011. The Geographic Distribution of U.S. Unemployment by Gender. Economic Development Quarterly: Special Issue on Economic Development Administration Research Symposium 25(1): 91– 103.
Zolnik, E. 2010. The Role of Postdoctoral Fellows in Technology Transfer :Evidence from the National Capital Region of the USA. International Journal of Knowledge–Based Development 1(3): 158–175.
Zolnik, E., Minde, J., Das Gupta, D. and Turner, S. 2010. Supporting Planning to Co-Locate Public Facilities: A Case Study from Loudoun County, Virginia. Applied Geography 30(4): 687–696.
Zolnik, E. J. and Sutter, R. 2010. Workforce Management Innovations in Transportation Agencies: Overcoming Obstacles to Public Sector Innovation. The Innovation Journal 15(1): 1–15.
Zolnik, E. 2009. Context in Human Geography: A Multilevel Approach to Study Human-Environment Interactions. The Professional Geographer, Focus Section: Critical Quantitative Geographies 1: Beyond the Critical/Analytical Binary 61(3): 336–349.
Zolnik, E. J. and Cromley, E. K. 2007. Poisson Multilevel Methodology of Bicycle Levels of Service for Road Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2031: 1–8.
Zolnik, E. 2007. Cost Attribution in Unlimited Access Transit Programs: Case Study on the UConn Prepaid Fare Program Failure. The Professional Geographer 59(3): 365–377.
Zolnik, E. 2004.The North American City Revisited: Urban Quality of Life in Canada and the United States. Urban Geography 25(3): 217–240.
Book Chapters
Zolnik, E. 2014. “Commuter Paradox”. In Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy, ed. Mark Garrett. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Doh, S. and Zolnik, E. 2012. “Social Capital and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Social Capital in Self-Employment”. In Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance. Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA.
Zolnik, E. 2011. “Geography and Government”. In 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook, ed. Joseph P. Stoltman. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Zolnik, E. 2009. “Multilevel Models of Commute Times for Men and Women”. In Progress in Spatial Analysis: Theory and Computation, and Thematic Applications, eds. Antonio Paez, Julie Le Gallo, Ron Buliung and Sandy Dall’Erba. Springer: New York: NY.
Zolnik, E. 2008. “Biotechnology and Knowledge-Based Urban Development in DNA Valley”. In Knowledge- Based Urban Development: Planning and Applications in the Information Era, eds. Tan Yigitcanlar, Koray Velibeyouglu and Scott Baum. Information Science Reference: Hershey, PA.
Zolnik, E. 2006. “Cultural and Economic Change in Indian Country”. In Race, Ethnicity and Place in a Changing America, eds. John W. Frazier and Eugene L. Tettey-Fio. Global Academic Publishing: Binghamton, NY.
Conference Proceedings
Zhou, X. and Zolnik, E. 2013. Transit-Oriented Development and Household Transportation Costs: A Household Level Analysis. Compendium of Papers of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Zolnik, E. and Cromley, E. 2007. Poisson Multilevel Bicycle Level-of-Service Methodology for Road Networks. Compendium of Papers of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board CD-ROM. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Zolnik, E. 2006. “Cost Attribution in Rural Unlimited Access Transit Programs: Case Study on the UConn Prepaid Fare Program Failure”. Proceedings of the NSF New Scholars Conference on Sustainable Transport.
Zolnik, E. 2000. “Urban Social Indicators: Canada and the USA”. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the New England-Saint Lawrence Valley Geographical Society.
Technical Reports
A Tutorial for Using the Government Regional Economic And Transportation Location (GREATLocation) Planning and Decision Support System. 2011. Prepared for the United States General Services Administration (Edmund Zolnik, Barry Kronenfeld, Timothy Leslie, Xin Zhou).
Workforce Needs in DOTs. 2009. Prepared for the Advisory Board of the Transportation and Economic Development Research Center, School of Public Policy, George Mason University (Edmund J. Zolnik, Kayyonne Marston).
Entrepreneurship within Government. 2008. Prepared for the Advisory Board of the Transportation and Economic Development Research Center, School of Public Policy, George Mason University (Edmund J. Zolnik, Ryan Sutter).
Postdoctoral Fellows and Technology Transfer in the National Capital Region. 2008. Prepared for Sally Sternbach, Executive Director, Rockville Economic Development, Incorporated (Edmund J. Zolnik, Arjun Sheoran).
The Second MetroHartford Regional Performance Benchmark. 2001. Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, University of Connecticut (Fred Carstensen, William Lott, Stan McMillen, Hulya Varol, Edward (corrected to Edmund) Zolnik, Na Li Dawson).
The Economic Impact of the Stamford Master Plan: A Dynamic Impact Analysis. 2001. Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, University of Connecticut (Fred V. Carstensen, William Lott, Stan McMillen, Hemanta Shrestha, Nandika Weerasinghe, Ed Zolnik).
Mansfield Training Center: A Dynamic Impact Analysis. 2000. Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, University of Connecticut (Edmund J. Zolnik).
Renaissance Place: A Dynamic Impact Analysis. 2000. Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, University of Connecticut (Fred Carstensen, William Lott, Stan McMillen, Bobur Alimov, Ed Zolnik).
Tweed-New Haven Airport: Master Plan Update. 1999. Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, University of Connecticut (Fred Carstensen, William Lott, Stan McMillen, Bobur Alimov, Na Li Dawson, Ed Zolnik).
Invited Presentations
Zolnik, E. Potential Value Capture from METRO. Brown bag seminar at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia on April 17, 2019.
Zolnik, E. Potential Value Capture from METRO in the Capital Region. Brown bag webinar series at the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland on March 7, 2018.
Malik, A., Zolnik, E. and Riaz, O. Effect of Urban Land Use on Travel Behavior in Developing Countries: Evidence from Pakistan. Paper presentation at XIV NECTAR International Conference held at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain on June 1, 2017.
Zolnik, E. Inducing Demand by Adding Freeways and Arterials: Controlling for the Rebound Effect. Paper presentation at XIII NECTAR International Conference held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan on June 15, 2015.
Zolnik, E. Build Our Way Out of Congestion? Effects of Additional Capacity on Commuting Outcomes. Paper presentation at Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International held in Washington, District of Columbia on November 14, 2014.
Zolnik, E. Inducing Demand by Adding Freeways and Arterials: Controlling for the Rebound Effect. Brown bag seminar in the School of Policy, Government and International Affairs at George Mason University held in Arlington, Virginia on September 24, 2014.
Zolnik, E. Eliminating Bus Stops: Evaluating Changes in Operations, Emissions and Coverage. Paper presentation at GIS in Transit Conference held at the National Academies of Science in Washington, District of Columbia from October 16-17, 2013.
Zolnik, E. An Analysis of the Effects of New Freeway and Arterial Capacity on Commuting Outcomes. Paper presentation at XII NECTAR International Conference held at the University of the Azores on São Miguel Island in Portugal on June 17, 2013.
Zhou, X. and Zolnik, E. Transit-Oriented Development and Household Transportation Costs: A Household Level Analysis. Paper presentation at Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board held in Washington, District of Columbia on January 16, 2013.
Zolnik, E. The Future of Green Vehicles in the United States. Guest speaker at Earth Week Community Fair at the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Arlington, Virginia on April 22, 2012.
Zolnik, E. Sustainable Transportation Challenges: Case Study on the UConn Prepaid Fare Program Failure. Guest speaker at Van Pool Boot Camp at the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Arlington, Virginia on November 7, 2011.
Zolnik, E. Multilevel Approaches to Explore the Effect of Land Use on NHTS Commuting Outcomes. Paper presentation at Using National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Decision Making: A Workshop held at the National Academies of Science in Washington, District of Columbia from June 6- 7, 2011.
Zolnik, E. The Potential Role of Postdoctoral Fellows in Technology Transfer in the National Capital Region. Brown bag seminar in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Arlington, Virginia on September 29, 2010.
Zolnik, E. Envisioning Future Federal Workplaces in the National Capital Region. Paper presentation at Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association held in Washington, District of Columbia on September 1, 2010.
Doh, S. and Zolnik, E. Social Capital and Entrepreneurship. Paper presentation at 13th Uddevalla Symposium held at University West, Jönköping Sweden from August 19-23, 2010.
Zolnik, E. Estimates of Statewide and Nationwide Carbon Dioxide Emission Reductions and their Costs from Cash for Clunkers. Seminar at the Regional Research Institute at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia on April 29, 2010.
Zolnik, E. The Effect of Sprawl on Private-Vehicle Commuting Outcomes. Brown bag seminar in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Arlington, Virginia on February 3, 2010.
Zolnik, E. Workforce Needs in DOTs. Presentation for RITA Administrator Lydia E. Mercado at the Transportation and Economic Development Research Center in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Fairfax, Virginia on December 15, 2009.
Zolnik, E. Pulling it all Together: Discussion on Implications of Research on National Economic Development Policy and EDA’s Integrated Research Agenda. Panelist at Annual EDA Economic Development Symposium in Morgantown, West Virginia on October 22, 2009.
Zolnik, E. and Turner, S. The Geographic Distribution of U.S. Unemployment by Gender. Paper presentation at Annual EDA Economic Development Symposium held at the University of West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia from October 21-22, 2009.
Zolnik, E. Making Sustainable Transportation Work. Panelist at Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 23, 2009.
Zolnik, E. The Effects of Rapid Population Growth on Resident Service Satisfaction in Loudoun County, Virginia. Guest speaker at Loudoun County Planning Department in Loudoun County, Virginia on January 29, 2009.
Zolnik, E. Innovation in Government. Presentation for RITA Administrator Paul R. Brubaker at the Transportation and Economic Development Research Center in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Fairfax, Virginia on December 15, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Visualizing the Relationship between Rapid Growth and Resident Service Satisfaction in Loudoun County. Guest speaker at GIS Day/Geography Awareness Week in Loudoun County, Virginia on November 20, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Entrepreneurship within Government. Guest speaker at advisory board meeting of the Transportation and Economic Development Research Center in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University held in Fairfax, Virginia on November 6, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Postdoctoral Fellows and Technology Transfer in the National Capital Region. Guest speaker at Postdoc Conference Planning Committee Meeting at Rockville Economic Development, Incorporated in Rockville, Maryland on September 12, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Postdoctoral Fellows and Technology Transfer in BioCapital. Guest speaker at Monthly Board of Directors Meeting of Rockville Economic Development, Incorporated in Rockville, Maryland on June 27, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Rapid Population Growth and Resident Satisfaction with Loudoun County Public Services. Guest speaker at Loudoun GIS Focus Group Forum on Connecting GIS held in Leesburg, Virginia on May 19, 2008.
Zolnik, E. Where Do the Highly Educated Prefer to Live? Guest speaker at monthly meeting of the Advanced Research Methods Group at George Mason University on November 15, 2007.
Zolnik, E. The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Commute Distances, Times and Speeds in the United States Urban System. Paper presentation at International Cartographic Association Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling held at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia from July 11-13, 2007.
Zolnik, E. Biotechnology Human Capital in the National Capitol Region. Guest speaker at Monthly Board of Directors Meeting of Rockville Economic Development, Incorporated in Rockville, Maryland on June 1, 2007.
Zolnik, E. An Evaluation of Agricultural Land Preservation Programs in Maryland – Comments. Discussant for Land Use Regulation session at Mid-Year Meeting of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association in Washington, District of Columbia on May 29, 2007.
Zolnik, E. The Tradeoffs between Private Lots and Public Open Space in Subdivisions at the Urban-Rural Fringe – Comments. Discussant for Land Use Regulation session at Mid-Year Meeting of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association in Washington, District of Columbia on May 29, 2007.
Zolnik, E. Statistical and Cartographic Analysis of Accident Frequency and Severity. Guest speaker at Research Colloquium on Earth Systems & Geoinformation Sciences at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia on February 15, 2007.
Zolnik, E. 2007. A Poisson-Multilevel, Bicycle Level-of-Service Methodology for Road Networks. Paper presentation at Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board held in Washington, District of Columbia on January 24, 2007.
Zolnik, E. People-Place Interdependency in US Internal Migration: Multilevel Models of Origins, Destinations and Differentials. Paper presentation at Winemiller Conference on Methodological Developments of Statistics in the Social Sciences held at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri from October 11-14, 2006.
Zolnik, E. Transportation Safety: Are Roads Unsafe or Do People Cause Most Motor Vehicle Collisions? Guest speaker at GEO Club Meeting at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia on September 13, 2006.
Zolnik, E. Regional Models of Transportation-Land Use Interactions. Guest speaker at United States Geological Survey in Reston, Virginia on July 12, 2006.
Zolnik, E. Towards a Cooperative GIS Model of Transportation-Land Use in Loudoun County. Guest speaker at Loudoun GIS Focus Group Forum on Connecting GIS held in Leesburg, Virginia on May 17, 2006.
Zolnik, E. Cost Attribution in Rural Unlimited Access Transit Programs: Case Study on the UConn Prepaid Fare Program Failure. Paper presentation at National Science Foundation New Scholars Conference on Sustainable Transportation held at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana from May 15-16, 2006.
Zolnik, E. A Multilevel Model of U.S. Internal Migration. Poster presentation at Fulbright Seminar in Regional Development Research held at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna Austria from July 8-13, 2005.
Organized Conference Sessions
Horner, M. and Zolnik, E. 2008. Commuting, Land Use and Spatial Structure. Boston, MA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Co-Location of Public Facilities and Community Development in Suburbia. Reston, VA: A Suburban World? Global Decentralization and the New Metropolis.
Zolnik, E. 2006. Interdisciplinary Research on Indigenous Peoples and Place. San Marcos, TX: Conference on Race, Ethnicity & Place.
Zolnik, E. 2006. Regional Transportation Sustainability: Alternatives to Fossil Fuels. Chicago, IL: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Conference Presentations
Zolnik, E. 2009. A Longitudinal Analysis of Commuting Efficiency in the United States. Las Vegas, NV: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Measures of Sprawl and Private-Vehicle Commutes in the United States Urban System. Boston, MA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Resident Satisfaction with Local Public Goods and Rapid Population Growth. Reston, VA: A Suburban World? Global Decentralization and the New Metropolis.
Minde, J., Zolnik, E. and Stipek, L. 2007. Use of Public Survey Data in Assessing Public Facilities Demand and Satisfaction Levels. Richmond, VA: Annual Virginia Association for Mapping and Land Information Systems GIS Conference.
Zolnik, E. 2007. A Biographical-Multilevel Approach to the Study of Travel Behavior. San Francisco, CA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2006. Biotechnology in the National Capitol Region: Case Study on DNA Valley. Fairfax, VA: Annual Conference on Entrepreneurialism at George Mason University.
Zolnik, E. 2006. The Effect of Spatial Dependence in Economic Opportunity on the Internal Migration of Unemployed Households in the U.S. Toronto, ON: Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International.
Zolnik, E. 2006. Unfair Lending in Indian Country. San Marcos, TX: Conference on Race, Ethnicity & Place. Stipek, L. and Zolnik, E. 2006. Toward a Cooperative GIS Model of Transportation-Land Use in Loudoun County. Reston, VA: Annual Virginia Association for Mapping and Land Information Systems GIS Conference.
Zolnik, E. 2006. Development of a Statewide Bicycle Facility to Promote Alternative Modes of Commuting. Chicago, IL: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Ethnic Entrepreneurialism and Regional Economic Development. Fairfax, VA: Annual Conference on Entrepreneurialism at George Mason University.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Fiscal and Administrative Constraints to Transit Demand Management in the Nonmetropolitan U.S. Las Vegas, NV: Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Transit-Dependent Populations and University-Community Partnerships. Washington, DC: Annual Applied Geography Conference.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Native American Attachment to Place and Economic Development. Denver, CO: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2004. Native Lands and Best Use: Economic and Other Development Issues. Washington, DC: 2004 Conference on Race, Ethnicity and Place.
Zolnik, E. 2004. The Fiscal Pitfalls of Town-Gown Unlimited Access Transit Services. Philadelphia, PA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2003. Studying U.S. Internal Migration by Multilevel Modeling. Philadelphia, PA: Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International.
Zolnik, E. 2003. Studying U.S. Internal Migration with Multilevel Models. Binghamton, NY: Annual Meeting of the Northeast Regional Science Association.
Zolnik, E. 2003. Town-Gown Unlimited Access Transit Services: A Case Study on Mansfield, Connecticut and the University of Connecticut. Albany, NY: Annual Meeting of the Middle States Division of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2003. A Multilevel Model of U.S. Internal Migration. New Orleans, LA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2002. A Case Study on Intrametropolitan Migration: Do People “Vote with their Feet”?. Los Angeles, CA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 2001. A Case Study on Intrametropolitan Migration: Do People “Vote with their Feet”?. New Bedford, MA: Annual Meeting of the New England-Saint Lawrence Valley Geographical Society.
Adams, C. and Zolnik, E. 2000.Toward a Bicycle Compatibility Model for Towns in New England. Providence, RI: Annual Meeting of the New England-Saint Lawrence Valley Geographical Society.
Zolnik, E. 2000. Urban Social Indicators: Canada and the USA. Pittsburgh, PA: Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
Zolnik, E. 1999. Urban Social Indicators: Canada and the USA. Farmington, ME: Annual Meeting of the New England-Saint Lawrence Valley Geographical Society.
Zolnik, E. 2018. A GIS Tool to Estimate Value Capture from Transportation Infrastructure. Submitted to Lincoln Institute of Land Policy on February 15, 2018. Request: $48,8830. Result: Not funded.
Zolnik, E. 2014. Making Transportation More Sustainable: Exploring Interactions between Induced Demand and Rebound Effects. Submitted to the George Mason University Summer Research Fund for Tenure- Track and Tenured Faculty on October 21, 2014. Requested: $5,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2013. Development of an Innovative Scanning System to Assess the Condition of Bridge Decks. Submitted to the NCHRP Highway IDEA Program on March 8, 2013. Requested: $151,153.33. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2012. Congestion Reduction with Market Incentives and Performance-Based Contracts. George Mason University Foundation. Principal Investigator: $22,309.
Zolnik, E. 2009. CAREER: Analysis of the Frequency and Severity of Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Crashes in Regional Road Networks. Submitted to the National Science Foundation on July 23, 2009. Requested: $415,770. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E., Wong, D., Rizzo, A. and Robinson, L. 2009. Analysis of Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Crashes in the Fairfax County Region. Mason-INOVA Life Sciences Research Collaboration Fund. Principal Investigator: $10,000.
Zolnik, E. 2009. Public Facility Co-Location Fellowship, Office of Mapping and Geographic Information, Loudoun County, VA. Principal Investigator: $29,000.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Differences in the Career Aspirations of Foreign and Domestic Postdoctoral Fellows. Submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation on November 17, 2008. Request: $45,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. and Das Gupta, D. 2008. Co-Location of Public Facilities as a Community Development Strategy. Submitted to Lincoln Institute of Land Policy on September 30, 2008. Request: $10,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E., Curtin, K. and Leslie, T. 2008. The Government Regional Economic and Transportation Location (GREATLocation) Planning and Decision Support System. United States General Services Administration, Public Building Service Solicitation, Regional Federal Site Studies. Principal Investigator: $144,438.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Do Economic Development Administration (EDA) Investments Reduce Regional Earnings Inequality? Submitted to the W. E. Upjohn Institute of Employment Research Mini-Grant Program on April 10, 2008. Request: $5,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2008. Public Facility Co-Location Fellowship, Office of Mapping and Geographic Information, Loudoun County, VA. Principal Investigator: $58,000.
Zolnik, E. and Hogan, D. 2007. Development and Implementation of a GIS-Based Decision Support Tool for Land Use Decisionmakers in a Chesapeake Bay Subwatershed. Submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Trust Pioneer Grants Program on May 1, 2007. Request: $150,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2007. GIS Fellowship, Office of Mapping and Geographic Information, Loudoun County, VA. Principal Investigator: $29,000.
Zolnik, E. 2007. A Multilevel Model of the Effects of Co-located Public Facilities on Residential Property Values. George Mason University, Summer Research Fund for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty. Principal Investigator: $5,600.
Zolnik, E. and Zolnik, B. 2006. The Internal Migration Decisionmaking Process for High Human Capital Households. Submitted to the Association of American Geographers Anne U. White Fund on December 31, 2006. Request: $1,500. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2006. GIS Fellowship, Office of Mapping and Geographic Information, Loudoun County, VA. Principal Investigator: $29,000.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Toward a Regional Model of Transportation Investment. Submitted to the George Mason University Summer Research Fund for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty on October 25, 2005. Request: $5,895. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2005. Toward a Grassroots Model of Transportation Sustainability. Submitted to the Canadian Embassy to the United States Canadian Studies Research Grant Program on September 26, 2005. Request: $11,995. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik, E. 2004. A Multilevel Model of the Canadian-U.S. Unemployment Rate Gap. Submitted to the Canadian Embassy to the United States Canadian Studies Research Grant Program on September 29, 2004. Request: $10,000. Result: Not Funded.
Zolnik,E. September, 2012 to May, 2013. SAS Programmer. Congressional Research Service. Washington, DC.
Zolnik, E. July, 2016 to August,2017. Consultant. The Urban Institute, Washington, DC.
Zolnik, E. April, 2019 to December,2019. Consultant. SYNERGY Enterprises, Silver Spring, MD.
Statistical Methods in Policy Analysis
Advanced Statistical Methods in Policy Analysis
Analysis for Transportation Managers
Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Public Policy
Transportation and Land Use
Transportation Planning and Policy
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis for Public Policy
Teaching Skills Development
Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
University of Michigan
Graduate Faculty Development Alliance
Department of Geography
University of Colorado at Boulder
Teaching and Learning Fundamentals
Institute for Teaching and Learning
University of Connecticut
Alexander, David
2014 to 2016
Au, Caterina
Public Policy
2007 to 2009
Biernacka-Lievestro, Joanna
Public Policy
2013 to 2014
Doh, Soogwan
Public Policy
2009 to 2010
Idol, Terry
2008 to 2012
Jefferson, Katherine
Public Policy
Lawrence, James
Public Policy
2006 to 2013
Li, Huaqun
Public Policy
2008 to 2011
Nelson, Andrew
2006 to 2008
Waters, Keith
Public Policy
Yuan, Junyang
Public Policy
2009 to 2013
Zhou, Xin
Public Policy
2009 to 2011
Ehlen, Victoria
2004 to 2005
Minde, Julie
2006 to 2008
Shaffer, Robert
2009 to 2012
Shrestha, Ranjay
2008 to 2011
Badri, Safanah
Craigie, Matthew
Elwell, Gretchen
Sheoran, Arjun
Workman, Krystal
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Annals of Regional Science
Applied Geography
Environment and Planning A
Housing Policy Debate
Industry and Innovation
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Journal of Air Transport Management
Journal of Public Transportation
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Urban Technology
Review of Public Personnel Administration
The Open Urban Studies Journal
The Professional Geographer
Transport Reviews
Transportation Research Record
Transportmetrica A: Transport Research
University of Mauritius Research Journal
Urban Geography
Yigitcanlar, T. Velibeyoglu, K. and Baum, S. 2007. Knowledge-Based Urban Development: Planning and Applications in the Information Era. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Florida State University Cornerstone Program
Social Science Program Enhancement Grant
Governmental Data and Employment Committee
Association of American Geographers
2009 to 2012
Board Member
Transportation Geography Specialty Group
Association of American Geographers
2008 to 2010
Vice Chair/Treasurer
Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group
Association of American Geographers
2007 to 2010
Newsletter Editor
Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group
Association of American Geographers
2006 to 2007
Transportation Advisory Committee
George Mason University
2007 to 2010
Medical School Advisory Committee
George Mason University
Community Life Committee
Schar School of Policy and Government
George Mason University
2015 to Present
Doctoral Admissions Committee
School of Policy, Government and International Affairs
George Mason University
2014 to 2015
Public Finance Search Committee
2013 to 2014
School of Public Policy George Mason University
Seminar Leader
Transportation, Operations and Logistics Program
School of Public Policy
George Mason University
2011 to 2012
Assistant Coordinator
Doctoral Program
Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science
George Mason University
2008 to 2010
Admissions Committee
Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science
George Mason University
2008 to 2010
Space Coordinator
Department of Geography
George Mason University
George Mason University
Winemiller Travel Award
Binghamton University
NYS/UUP Individual Development Award
University of Connecticut
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Extraordinary Expense Award